$35.00 USD

Adoption Journal

Adoptive Parents! Your Attention Please!

This Adoption Journal resource is not only for those who experienced a life for adoption. This Adoption Journal is also for adoptive parents of infants, preadolescents, and teenagers who have faced so many mysteries with trying to understand what is happening in the hearts and lives of their most precious children.

Bethesda Family Services Foundation and Restoring Relationships have just written and published our first interactive journal for individuals and families of Adoption called “My Adoption Journal.”

Its unique format and layout will allow your adoptive children to begin to walk through their deepest feelings, challenges and heartaches that come with trying to understand why they often struggle with the pain and confusion during their life of adoption. So often their parents struggle with trying to engage their children at the place they are hurting the most. Adoptive parents often wonder what is going through the minds and hearts of their adoptive children. Dads and Moms who adopt children sometimes feel that if they are unable to understand what is happening on the inside of their child, then how will they know how to deal with their child’s struggles when they manifest on a daily basis.

“My Adoption Journal” is not just for the adoptive child. It is also for the adoptive parents to look into the hearts of their precious children and realize what they are thinking, what they are feeling and how their struggles lead to challenging behaviors. Parents! This journal is for you to gain a thorough understanding of the turmoil your children are experiencing so often alone. The questions set forth in the journal will help you form the script for your questions as you navigate these children of destiny through a world with insensitivity and hardship. Engaging your children in their pain now will preempt that pain from spilling forth in their adult years when they are married or walking out their career. It will allow you to walk with your children through their pain while they are under your parental care and draw their hearts in communion with you at the place they need your comfort most within them. As their pain pours out, the healing will begin to pour into their emotional wounds in cleansing sorrow. As you participate in your child’s greatest struggles it will draw their heart to you and develop a trust that you may never have experienced before.

Order your “My Adoption Journal” now and see what you’ve been missing…

“…for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b)


(88 pages)